We offer high-quality deck-mounted bollards and bespoke solutions for your vessel mooring and towing requirements.

James Fisher Fendercare (JF Fendercare) provides a range of deck mooring bollards allowing vessels to be safely secured during mooring and berthing operations.

Our deck-mounted bollards are all designed to industry standards (including ISO 13795), and we offer bespoke designs for higher safe working loads or specific applications.

We also provide a range of high-quality quayside bollards.

JF Fendercare’s range of deck-mounted bollards include:

  • Cruciform bollards
  • Horn cleats
  • Double deck bollards

Cruciform bollards

Cruciform bollards can be loaded with one towing rope laid in a single sling over the bitt and with a breaking strength not exceeding the values in the table. These bollards are recommended by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) for use at the manifolds whilst carrying out ship-to-ship operations.

Horn Cleat

Horn cleats

Horn cleats offer a safe and easy method of securing vessel lines during mooring operations, with their design helping to prevent lines from slipping. With capacities from 15T to 35T, their flexibility in line attachment and versatility make them an important part of a vessel’s deck hardware.

Our expert design team can also develop bespoke solutions to your specific mooring requirements.

Horn cleats, also known as cleat bollards, can also be mounted on quayside.

Double Bollard CAD drawing

Double bollards

A heavy-duty bollard, the double bollard enables safe and fast securing of mooring lines, particularly when multiple lines are present. The two-horn design allows two vessel mooring lines to be secured and independently released and its narrow base accommodates limited deck space.

Ship-to-ship transfer with sunset
Get in touch

Our team of experts can supply you with quality products or create bespoke designs to meet your needs. Just get in touch to speak to our team.