JF Fendercare supports successful ammonia ship-to-ship transfer as part of industry leading pilot.

In 2022 a Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD)-led consortium undertook a study to assess the safe bunkering of ammonia as a marine fuel and JF Fendercare was engaged to support pilot ammonia ship-to-ship transfer (STS) operations.

Green Pioneer And The Coral Knight At The Outer Anchorage Of Port Dampier

The situation

In 2022 a GCMD-led consortium undertook a study to assess the safe bunkering of ammonia as a marine fuel.

James Fisher Fendercare (JF Fendercare) contributed to several months of pre-op analysis in the development of the pilot, which aimed to counter industry-wide concern around the safe handling of ammonia. JF Fendercare was engaged to support pilot ammonia ship-to-ship transfer (STS) operations in Pilbara, Western Australia.

Hose Connections Between The Green Pioneer And The Navigator Global For Ammonia Transfer

The solution

The JF Fendercare team conducted operational studies including weather parameters, and engineered technical solutions for accommodating the transfer equipment onboard the vessels, that are required to ensure successful STS services with a new cargo in a new geographic location.

The team provided equipment such as fenders, hoses, ERCs, mooring lines, and saddles, to be used during the two pilot ammonia ship to ship transfers. They also implemented additional safety measures, identified during pre-ops planning, to mitigate the additional risks due to ammonia toxicity.

Additional safety measures included:
  • Emergency release coupling and dry break-away systems
  • Enhanced PPE such as hazmat suits and breathing apparatus
  • Nitrogen purging of transfer equipment


JF Fendercare worked alongside the GCMD- consortium with Yara and Pilbara Ports, as well as a number of industry partners.

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Benefits delivered

  • STS experience helped to ensure a safe and successful outcome
  • Enhanced safety measures developed for harmful cargo
  • Equipment studies and vessel compatibility for equipment
  • Demonstrated operational viability of ammonia as a marine fuel
  • Demonstrated viability of ammonia as a marine fuel in this region
  • Cross-sector collaboration and knowledge sharing
Navigator Global And The Green Pioneer At Dusk At The Outer Anchorage Of Port Dampier
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