Our global pool of highly experienced and qualified ship-to-ship superintendents are ready to support your operations.

James Fisher Fendercare (JF Fendercare) utilises over 80 ship-to-ship (STS) superintendents globally, who are on call and ready to conduct safe and efficient STS operations when required.

Our highly trained and capable STS mooring masters are passionate about the marine environment and are committed to ensuring exceptional safety standards, meeting all oil and gas major standards, and offering customers full reassurance during complex STS operations.

STS superintendents - also known as mooring masters and POACs (persons in overall advisory control) - are employed in line with our rigorous standards of care and are routinely assessed to ensure ongoing compliance.

By utilising the vast experience of our STS superintendents we are able to deliver safe, high-quality operations.

Capt. Costi STS Superintendent
STS transfer view from support boat

Ensuring safe and efficient STS operations

As part of our commitment to driving ship-to-ship safety and service excellence, our STS superintendents are regularly engaged with and developed, including safety forums, attending lessons learned, and access to online training. We also host bespoke simulator training utilising some of the most advanced technology, including the latest full mission bridge, engine room, and tug simulation systems.

STS transfer showing fenders between vessels

STS operations compliance

All transfer operations undertaken at sea involving MARPOL Annex I cargos are coordinated by the person in overall advisory control (POAC), who is the single advisory control for the STS operation. This duty will be carried out by the STS superintendent.

The respective vessel’s masters retain full statutory responsibilities and overall authority for the safety of the vessel its crews, cargo, and equipment. Under no circumstances shall the masters permit the safety of the STS operation to be jeopardised by the activities of others.

LNG STS transfer
Are you interested in becoming one of our highly respected STS superintendents?